[올림픽] 발리예바 취재진 질문 요청에 묵묵무답

Russia’s figure skating women’s singles star Kamila Valyeva, 17, has been stripped of the Russian Olympic Committee’s gold medal in the figure team event at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics for taking a banned substance, and the country’s medal standings are likely to change. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled on Monday (Nov. 29) that Valyeva was found to have violated the International Olympic Committee (IOC) anti-doping rules at the Beijing Games and suspended her for four years, from December 2021 to December 2025.

In addition, Russia’s gold medal in the figure skating team event at the Beijing Olympics, which Valyeva helped win, will also be revoked .The United States, which was ranked second at the time, will take the gold, third-place Japan will take the silver, and fourth-place Canada will take the bronze .The overall standings of the competition are also likely to change. If the U.S. wins the team gold, it will move into third place overall, ahead of China (9 gold, 10 silver, 7 bronze).No. 12 Japan and No. 11 Canada remain unchanged in the overall standings. However, Russia reacted to the CAS decision, calling it a “political decision” and saying that “if there is a way to appeal, we will definitely use it.”

Russia can appeal to the Supreme Court of the Swiss Confederation, and a court decision could change the CAS’s decision .Valeryeva won the figure skating team event with her Russian Olympic Committee teammates at the Beijing Games, but her performance caused a stir when a urine sample was found to contain a banned substance shortly before the ceremony .The IOC postponed the ceremony indefinitely, and no medals were awarded. Valeryeva failed to win a medal in the women’s singles, finishing fourth under the scrutiny .The results of the team competition at the Beijing Olympics remain “undecided” nearly two years after the Games. The IOC excluded the figure team results from the overall medal standings, and the medals were stored at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. The CAS’s decision raises the possibility of a separate awards ceremony for the figure team event in Beijing.

“The IOC and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) have said they will organize a medal ceremony once the CAS decision is finalized, but have not made specific plans,” the Washington Post reported, adding that “U.S. athletes have also suggested a ceremony at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. “For now, the U.S. welcomed the CAS decision. “Today is a victory not only for Team USA athletes, but for athletes around the world who uphold the spirit of fair play,” said USOPC CEO Sarah Hirschland, “and we look forward to celebrating with them.” “It took two years, but the right decision was made,” said Travis Tigert, CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. “The International Ice Skating Union (ISU) must take immediate action to award and recognize the true winners.” “We welcome the CAS decision,” the ISU said in a statement later in the day. “Protecting athletes and eliminating banned substances is our top priority, and we are committed to fair 스포츠토토존 competition and athlete

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