Moon-Kennedy Fails 4m95 for 3rd Time in a Row
Moon abandons ‘jump-off’ “Let’s go for gold together”
Kennedy “I can’t believe it” after leg cramps
Katie Moon (USA – left) and Nina Kennedy (AUS) tied for first place in the women’s pole vault at the World Athletics Championships on Thursday. 카지노사이트 They cleared 4.90 meters side by side to win gold.
For the first time in the history of the World Athletics Championships, there were co-winners.
Katie Moon (32-USA) and Nina Kennedy (26-AUS) shared gold in the women’s pole vault. They each cleared 4.90 meters in the third round of the women’s pole vault at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary, on Thursday. The bar was raised to 4.95 meters to decide the winner, but both athletes failed three times in a row.
In the high jump, the athlete who clears the same height at the same time with fewer misses wins. However, 온라인카지노 both athletes had the same total number of failures before clearing 4.90 meters in the final: three. In this case, a “jump-off” was required to decide the winner. This is where both athletes jump from 4.95 meters (which neither could clear), decreasing in height until one of them is eliminated. However, the jump-off is not compulsory, so if both athletes agree, they can share the gold medal.
Kennedy was delighted when Moon approached him and suggested a joint gold medal. “I can’t believe it,” Kennedy said after the race. I knew I was going to be on the podium, but the gold medal is like a miracle to me.” On the day, Kennedy produced the best performance of her career, breaking her own Australian record (4m82) by eight centimeters, but she was suffering from leg cramps.
On top of that, her opponent was the strongest jumper in the world, having won the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and the World Championships last year. Moon’s personal best is 4.95 meters. If Moon had opted for the jump-off, she had a good chance of winning. “I had already won the world championships, but Kennedy didn’t have a title, so I knew she would want the gold,” Moon said, adding, “I was exhausted and didn’t want to go any further.” “I was exhausted, too, and I didn’t want to play anymore,” Moon said, adding that she laughed when she told Kennedy, 카지노사이트존 “Aren’t we best friends now?