Women’s Volleyball Finishes 3rd at U20 Asian Championships…Qualifies for World Youth Championships

The South Korea Women’s National Under-20 Volleyball Team finished third at the 2024 Asian Youth Championship.

Led by head coach Jang Yoon-hee, South Korea defeated Thailand 3-1 (25-21 18-25 25-22 25-23) in straight sets in the third-place match on Sept. 9 in Jiangmen, 해외 카지노 사이 China.

South Korea swept both Chinese Taipei (3-0) and New Zealand (3-0) in the group stage of the tournament to finish first in Group D and advance to the quarterfinals.

In the quarterfinals, Korea fell 1-3 to Japan but defeated India 3-0 to advance to the semifinals with a 1-1 record and earn a spot in the World Youth Championship, which is awarded to the fourth-place team.

In the quarterfinals, the team lost 1-3 to China and was pushed to the third-place match, but won the final game to claim the title.

The team will return home via Incheon International Airport on Tuesday afternoon.

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