Mirae Asset Global Investments’ US wing aims to become global top-tier ETF brand

 The New York Stock Exchange  welcomes executives and guests of Global X ETFs on Feb. 22, in celebration of the 15th anniversary of its first ETF listing. Courtesy of Mirae Asset Global Investments

Global X, the U.S.-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) subsidiary of Mirae Asset Global Investments, aims to enhance its brand influence and pursue new growth opportunities under new CEO Ryan O’Connor.

The asset manager announced this week that the new chief officially took office as the head of Global X on April 8.

The new chief was appointed in February this year to lead the U.S. subsidiary of Mirae Asset Global Investments. O’Connor has built an extensive career of over 17 years in the ETF markets at various companies, including Goldman Sachs and State Street Global Advisors.

Under the new leadership, Global X is preparing to make another leap from being the leading innovator in ETF markets to a “global top-tier ETF provider” in the U.S. ETF markets. With the leadership changes, Eric Olsen has been named chief financial officer, treasurer and principal accounting officer of the Global X Funds.

“During my first week here, it has already become clear how talented and energized the Global X team is, and we are thrilled to welcome Eric as our latest addition to that team. He brings more than 30 years of experience and expertise with fund management, fund operations, and financial reporting. Along with the leverage from Mirae Asset’s global platform, Eric will play a key role in supporting Global X’s operations as we continue to bring innovative new products to market,” O’Connor said.

Since launching in 2008, and the subsequent acquisition by Mirae Asset in 2018, Global X has established its leadership in thematic investing and alternative income strategies, while expanding its diverse product line-up to feature more than 90 ETFs over the past 15 years in the U.S. markets.

As of April 11, Global X recorded its highest-ever level of assets under management (AUM) of approximately 65 trillion won ($47.19 billion), marking a steep growth trajectory with the AUM increasing by $6.46 billion in just around four months from the 메이저 end of November last year.

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