Shohei Ohtani, I Love Korea, Good Memory with my Wife

Shohei Ohtani “I Love Korea, It will be a Good Memory with my Wife”

Shohei Ohtani (29, Los Angeles Dodgers) said, “I’m really happy to play in Korea again.

It’s very special to come back to Korea through baseball.”

At a press conference held at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul on the 16th,

Ohtani said, “(In 2012) I was a high school student, so the situation was different from now,

but Korea is one of my favorite countries.” 파워볼실시간

Ohtani visited Mokdong Stadium in Seoul to participate in the 2012 World Youth Baseball Championship while he was a student at Hanamaki Higashi High School.

After 12 years, he returned to Korea to play the opening two-game series of the MLB Seoul Series regular season between his team,

the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, at Gocheok Sky Dome on the 20th and 21st.

Ohtani, who received a warm welcome from the airport said,

“Korea and Japan have always been rivals in sports.

I have always respected Korean players and teams while watching games against Korea.

So it feels even better to be welcomed like this.”

In particular, Shohei Ohtani, who made a surprise marriage announcement last month,

revealed his wife for the first time during this trip to Seoul.

His wife is Mamiko Tanaka, a former Japanese women’s professional basketball player.

He said, “This is the first time we have been abroad together (other than the United States) since we got married.

I think it will be a really good memory for both of us.”

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