“You have to go for your dreams”…Rice Dink’s advice to international students in Vietnam

“Dreams don’t come true if you just have them in your mind. You must always challenge and strive to fulfill them.”

Former Vietnamese national soccer team coach Park Hang-seo, a national hero of Vietnam, visited Hannam University in Daejeon on August 8 to spend a special time with 토토 Vietnamese students.

He shared his affectionate advice and messages at a special lecture with Vietnamese international students organized by the university.

As a testament to his popularity, the event was attended by more than 200 Vietnamese students studying at Hannam University.

“Without the encouragement and support of the Vietnamese people and government, the Vietnamese national soccer team would not have been able to achieve such results,” Park said, adding that “a coach alone cannot create results.”

“Unity, cleverness, pride, and never giving up are said to be the four Vietnamese spirits,” he said, adding, “The cultures of Korea and Vietnam have many similarities. I hope that Vietnamese students will be able to quickly settle down in Korea, a country with many similarities, armed with these four spirits.”

Hannam University is a local prestigious university known for its soccer,” he said, “and I am sure that Vietnamese students who come here to study abroad to fulfill their dreams will become talented people who can contribute to the development of Vietnam in the future if they make sincere efforts and experience many difficulties.”

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