KGC Ginseng Corporation announced today that it is strengthening its local marketing efforts to promote Korean red ginseng in Indonesia, the home country of Jungkwanjang volleyball team Megawati.

Megawatti has been nicknamed the “Indonesian Kim Yeon-kyung” for its breakthrough in the women’s professional volleyball 2023-2024 season. Megawati has exploded in popularity in Indonesia.

Her YouTube channel has more than 230,000 subscribers, and last year, she became the first professional volleyball team for men and women to earn the Silver Button for channels with more than 100,000 subscribers, with 86 percent of her subscribers coming from 메이저 토토사이트 Indonesia.

“Megawatty is helping us to spread the word about the organization in Indonesia,” said an official from KGC Ginseng Corporation.

Jung operates a store in Lotte Avenue, an upscale department store in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, where his main customers are high-income overseas Chinese.

From July 17th to 21st, Jung ran a promotion at the Jakarta store, giving away Megawati dolls and uniforms.

On the 20th, Jung Kwan-jang organized a friendly match between Jung Kwan-jang and the Indonesian All-Star Team in Jakarta, where locals were able to experience Jung Kwan-jang’s red ginseng through various events.

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