“A player shines the most when he’s on the court.” Yun Ho Young’s last greeting to his juniors

Yoon Ho-young, who is leaving the court, left his last greetings to his juniors.

The 2023-2024 professional basketball match between Wonju DB and Busan KCC took place at Wonju Gymnasium on Friday. The retirement ceremony for DB One Clubman Yun Ho-young took place at halftime. Yoon Ho-young, who joined Dongbu in 2008 and kept 텍사스홀덤 Wonju for 15 years, announced his retirement from active duty after last season. DB held a retirement ceremony in the home opener of the new season and joined the last of the one-club man.

Yoon Ho-young, whom I met after the retirement ceremony, said, “I was so nervous during the retirement ceremony. I feel more comfortable running on the court. I was holding back my tears, but my eyes turned red without realizing it. I was very nervous,” he said.

This summer, Yoon Ho-young went to the U.S. for a training trip. Currently spending time with his family, he will take a leadership class at Sungkyunkwan University, where his teacher Kim Sang-joon is located during college. After that, he plans to go back to the U.S. for a leadership training.

“I went to the U.S. for a short time. I learned a lot and came back well, and now I am spending time mostly with my family. Director Kim Sang-joon of Sungkyunkwan University was a teacher in college. I contacted the director because I wanted to take a leader class. There is no separate position. I’m really purely going to learn to teach the players. After that, I’m going to go back to the United States for a leadership training.” These are the words of Yun Ho-young.

DB, which had been dragged by KCC by 18 points until the first half of the day, showed concentration in the second half and won a thrilling 101-90 victory. The juniors left a big gift of victory on the last path of one-club man Yoon Ho-young.

Yoon Ho-young said, “It’s the first time I’ve watched a game in the audience since I was a high school student. I was constantly injured in my later years as a player, so I sat outside and watched the game (laughs). Watching the game reminded me of the old days a lot. I thought I put it down a little, but I felt once again that it was really good to play on the court,” he said.

Finally, Yun Ho-young said hello to his juniors and fans. “I don’t want my juniors to get sick all the time,” he said. A player shines the most when he is on the court. I hope you take good care of your body and always shine on the court. Thank you so much for your support. I think I played basketball happily because of the passionate support. I will live harder in the future, so please support me a lot,” he said with a smile.

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