Discovering 110 new faces KBO holds rookie draft on the 14th

KBO will hold the 2024 KBO Rookie Draft at the Grand Ballroom of the Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul at 2 p.m. on the 14th.

The 2024 KBO rookie draft will be conducted in a full draft format. 

Nominations are made from rounds 1 to 11, and are conducted in the reverse order of the 2023 club rankings:


In addition, through the early draft system that has been implemented since last year

second-year players from four-year universities (including three-year universities) are also eligible to participate in the draft.

In accordance with the rules that allow a club to exchange the next year’s drafting rights with a player in the event of a trade, Kiwoom

which received the drafting rights through a previous trade, received the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd round drafting rights held by LG, KIA, and Samsung, respectively, and NC.

will exercise the 7th round drafting rights held by Hanwha.

Accordingly, if all clubs exercise all of their nomination rights

Kiwoom will nominate 14 players, NC will nominate 12 players, LG, KIA, Samsung

and Hanwha will nominate 10 players, and other clubs will nominate 11 players

resulting in a total of 110 players in the KBO League. You will wear the club uniform. 온라인섯다

There are a total of 1,083 people eligible for this year’s rookie draft

including 782 high school graduates, 296 college graduates (including 41 early draftees), and 5 other players

including overseas amateurs and pros.

Baseball fans can also watch the event on-site. 

Tickets will be provided to a total of 100 baseball fans (50 drawn, 2 tickets per person)

through a lottery, and applications can be made through the KBO website from noon to midnight on the 6th.

Tickets can be distributed from noon on the day of the event and can be received after identity verification at the lobby distribution desk.

 Detailed information regarding ticket applications can be found on the KBO website and official SNS accounts.

The 2024 KBO rookie draft will be broadcast live on cable sports channels SBS Sports, MBC SPORTS+, SPOTV, and SPOTV2 and on wired and wireless platforms Naver, Daum (Kakao TV), TVING, and Spoky.

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